Tell me whats better Smackdown women or raw women

00sabato 6 marzo 2004 16:44

00sabato 6 marzo 2004 17:48
hmm - thats tough,in my oppinion the hottest divas in the wwe are stacy and torrie, but they are on dif shows, to me all the other divas arent really that hot, the only one that comes close to stacy and torrie is sable, i cant decide - soz[SM=x66995] :saya

8 days to go
Shadow Shinobi
00sabato 6 marzo 2004 18:03
I think raw has better women because Stacy,trish,and lita are the hottest besides sable. :saya [SM=x67013] [SM=x67013] [SM=x67013] [SM=x67004]

00sabato 6 marzo 2004 18:29
raw most definately. the majoraty of divas there have wrestling talent. while smackdown has the "cheesecake divas" that just look good and looks can only get you so far. on smackdown i like nidia tho cause trailer park trash sluts are good pussy!!![SM=x67013]
00sabato 6 marzo 2004 19:43
raw[SM=x67005] smackdown uhhhhhh i think i prefer raw but then smackdowns divas are hot to [SM=x67006]
00sabato 6 marzo 2004 20:07
Smackdown all the way!
Smackdown has the only two divas that have posed nude that are still wrestling, even if they dont wrestle that much. THE REASON IS BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE A TITLE TO SHOOT FOR! I still like Stacy, BUT TRISH IS UGLY!
00sabato 6 marzo 2004 22:09
the only diva i like on sd is torrie. because sable is an old hag and dawn and nidia have wicked bodies but look like theve been beaten with bats. and on raw you have trish stacy jacky and lita. perfect[SM=x66976]
00domenica 7 marzo 2004 00:04
Raw has the hottest divas by far.
00domenica 7 marzo 2004 00:28
Raw kills SD. Raw has the hottest diva Victoria, as well as Stacy, Lita, Trish, Jackie Gayda, and Molly.
Torrie Wilson, Dawn, Nidia, and Linda Miles from SD are pretty hot but are no comparison to the Raw divas.
Sable is ugly and old.
The Kat is the hottest diva of all time.
Stephanie McMahon is the hottest women ever involved in wrestling plus the hottest woman ever period![SM=x66996] [SM=x67013] [SM=x66990]
00domenica 7 marzo 2004 03:20
Raw raw raw raw raw raw raw..........
00domenica 7 marzo 2004 04:38
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