00 26/07/2006 08:05
The opening video of TNA plays and then the normal opening video of iMPACT plays. After that we are took around the iMPACT Zone seeing some of the fans in attentace. Finally we go to Mike Tenay who is next to his bordcast partner Don West.

Tenay: Hello, Ladies and Gentelmen I am Mike Tenay and this is my bordcast partner Don West! And we have one stacked show for you guys tonight!

West: What a line up it will be as in the main-event Sting takes on Raven!

Tenay: Not only that, but a huge tag team match where Rhino teams with former Team Canada member Eric Young to take on The Candain Enforcer Bobby Roode and Petey Williams!

West: What a match that will be, but lets kick off iMPACT with some X-Division action!

Matt Bently music hits as he makes his way down to the ring wearing new attire in his return to TNA which is long baggie pants that have MB in yellow lettering on the back and down the sides theres two black strips on the red pants! Bently gets down to the ring and ring announcer Dave Penzer does his introductions before...Alex Shelley's music hits! Alex Shelley makes his way down to the ring with Kevin Nash and Johnny Devine who is holding a video camara. Shelley rolls into the ring and does his pose while Dave Penzer introduces Alex Shelley!

West: What a way to kick off iMPACT!


Matt Bentley didnt show any ring rust throwout the whole match. Towards the end of the match Bentley went for a huge superkick, but Shelley ducked and caught Bentley in a quick roll up for a 2 count. Shelley then took over control locking in some differnt submissions on Matt Bentley. Alex Shelley then headed to the top looking for a missle dropkick, but Bentley saw it coming and nailed a standing dropkick of his own! Now both Shelley and Bentley were down in the center of the ring and the ref started to count! Shelley got to his feet at 6, but so did Bentley. Both men standed off and Shelley called for a test of strenght and Bentley anwsered by shoving Shelley into the mat, but Shelley popped right back up and locked up with Bentley again and this time Bentley switched around and got control of Shelley's back and locked him his arms and snapped off a german suplex. Bentley grabbed the leg of Shelley and got a 2 count until Shelley was able to kickout. Bentley then got back to his feet, but Shelley wasnt far behind, Bentley came off the ropes and attemped to go for a flying elbow, but Alex Shelley was able to counter Bentley and send him to the outside near Kevin Nash....Nash looked at Shelley and then back at Bentley before starting to lay in some kicks on the mid-section of